On the 1st of March this year, I had the pleasure of seeing the hot, ginger sex god, aka Ed Sheeran, live. He left me speechless. It was by far the best concert I have ever been to. To this day, I still have trouble remembering if it actually happened but lucky for me I have plenty of videos to remind myself that, yes, it was real! The show was at The Sydney Entertainment Centre (I will always say that this is the best venue ever because, well, it is) and Ed didn't get on stage till around 9pm so I decided to go to Sydney early in the morning and make a day of it and have a bit of retail therapy. God I love Sydney shopping. Anyways, all day I was getting myself hyped up for the show and I was bouncing around feeling on top of the world! I was so excited...I mean who wouldn't be excited to see their future husband in concert? Haha. I even ended up going to the venue early and waiting for the merch stand to open up so I could get first pick at everything! All his merch was so good by the way...good quality, top notch stuff!
Anyways, back to the show! The Support Support act was a young, lovely british girl who goes by the name of Gabrielle Aplin. She was phenomenal. When she sang, there was this pureness in her voice that made it all real and honest. By now, the mosh had started going crazy! There was this one group of people in the middle who were literally pushing their way to the front and everyone against the barriers were getting physically hurt. Lots of people that were at the front were having to be carried out because they were being crushed and one girl even had to leave in an ambulance. It's idiots like that that ruin the whole concert experience for other people! their own selfishness leaves other people injured and angry! At this point in time, security had to interrupt Gab's set to tell the mosh to settle down. They didn't. The mosh was getting worse, more and more people were having to be taken out and the idiots in the middle just obviously weren't getting the message. Until Gab stops half way through her song and tells them to chill out and she knows they're all here to see Ed but hurting people won't make him come out any faster! Good on her, I say! Anyways, she continued her set and she was amazing! Her songs were truthful and intimate and for a small person, she made her voice heard. As soon as I got home I downloaded all of her music. I have one word to describe it; Breathtaking. To this day, whenever I'm in a crappy mood, I crank up her song Salvation and it instantly makes me feel better. She's a Grade A act and she's exactly who you'd expect to touring with Ed!

The Support act was none other than the one and only Passenger. He was fantastic! He really knew how to work and manipulate the crowd, you could clearly tell that he'd been doing this for a while. His talking voice is almost the complete opposite to his singing voice...it's crazy! Passenger's set was very intimate and acoustic but at times he had the crowd up on their feet, joining in with the singing, dancing, laughing, screaming and he made sure we clapped till our hands were bright red! That night, he really owned the stage with his act and music. He got us ready and pumped for Ed and with his word, we knew we were in for a treat!
Not the best snaps, I know. I had some better ones somewhere but I can't find them on my computer!
I know I use this a lot, but close your eyes. Imagine the venue lights have dimmed and all you can hear is thousands of screams. Its black until Ed Sheeran jumps onto the stage, his trusty guitar in hand and all of a sudden it's just bright lights. He starts playing but the screams get louder so you can't exactly hear what song he's playing. That was all me. I still couldn't exactly here what he was playing until he started playing louder and thats when I realised he was playing my favourite song,
Give Me Love. At the moment I jumped out of my seat and started recording this magical moment. About 10 seconds later I burst into tears...happy tears of course! I was so overwhelmed with what was going on. The fact that I was seeing one of my most loved music artists live and that he was opening with my favourite song all just became too much! It's actually a lot harder than you think crying but trying to sing along.
He then went onto play
Drunk which was amazing and he played it soooo much faster than its recorded on the album. The crowd was so loud and i actually have brilliant video of this but i won't put it up because there's so much screaming...but it wasn't me, I was too busy singing!
He then played a very intimate set of
U.N.I which was pure brilliance! He got so involved with the crowd!
Just a quick snap of Ed and his tatts!
Ed then did the most amazing this I have ever seen. He used that famous loop pedal of his and he performed
Wayfaring Stranger. The first half was with the mic, but the second half was completely acoustic....you could've heard a pin drop! After that I was so speechless. You could hear him perfectly in this massive venue and that just proves that his talent is endless!
He then played us Small Bump which was just as intimate as it sounds on the album. He made it so special and made the crowd feel so special for just being there when he sang it.
Ed then played a super duper intensely fast version of
Grade 8. He didn't make it easy for us to keep up with the words but because everyone was such a dedicated fan, we did anyways!
Ed then brought Gab back onstage and they performed a beyond intimate version of
Kiss Me. Ed had managed to get the crowd to shut up for 3-4 minutes whilst him and Gab played. He also explained that he wrote this song for his parents friends that had bent together for like 50 years or something like that...crazy I know! But how sweet of him!
He continued on to play us
Gold Rush and that was a good, upbeat change of pace. He had everyone out of their seats singing along! It was fantastic!
He then went on to sing his smash hit,
Lego House. I'm fairly sure for the whole song, all you could hear was the crowd singing a long...it was amazing.
Talk about an intense night! Ed put this fully sick twist on You Need me, I Don't Need You which ended up going on for about 20 minutes but it was great! He then got the whole crowd involved and divided us up into 2 groups and each team had a certain line they had to sing, then he made us sing it together and we had created our own little mash up!
Last, but not least, he came back out for an amazing encore and ended with his #1 hit,
The A Team. I was, again, speechless. Such an intimate set and Ed got everyone to get out the phones or whatever and shine their light. It was amazing, I have never seen or heard a more beautiful thing ever. Pure bliss.
Unfortunately, it was the end of the show and we had to say goodbye and goodnight to the one person we had all came out to see. It was kind of a sad moment to know that he was leaving and that he couldn't stay on stage all night to entertain us!
Ed Sheeran's concert was the best concert I have ever been to. i have never felt so happy and satisfied at all in my life before. He really knows how to put on a show, get the crowd out of their seats, singing, dancing, crying. He has the cutest sense of humour and I will never forget this night. I have so many videos from this concert to remind me that the 1/3/2013 was in fact, the best night of my life. I have been contemplating uploading these videos to YouTube to share with everyone but I would definitely need to edit them! I rate this live show an infinity/10. This night will forever be in my heart and if you ever get the chance to see Ed live, take it. You definitely won't regret it.