So, the time came to leave LA but only to start my Topdeck tour and then head to Vegas! Zoe and I met down in the lobby of the hotel we were leaving from early that morning. Shortly after, everyone else that would be joining our tour started to show up. I will never get over just how daunting it is to be in a huge room of people that are virtually strangers. However, once I get over the initial holy fuck, there's so many people, and I realise we're all in the same boat, it definitely makes things a smidgen easier!
The first people Zoe and I met were Kell and Megan; friends travelling together from Perth, Australia. Zoe and I had both spoken to these lovely ladies via the group chat, so it was nice to finally put faces to names. We then met Laura, Irish solo traveler, who we'd also spoken to in the group chat. Slowly, but surely, we were introducing ourselves in between doing the fun adult stuff like handing over passport and insurance details to our tour leader, Amanda. We also met our bus driver, Ray, or as we loved to call him, Ray Ray. He was the most gangsta, hip looking dude I have ever met. Such an awesome guy.
Before we knew it, we were on our way to Las Vegas! I definitely slept for a majority of the bus ride, that's for sure. We stopped at groovy little place that Amanda referred to as the "Armpit of California", Barstow. It was basically a huge truck stop with a whole heaps and random, scattered casinos (which I have now learnt that they seem to be the thing over here in North America).
As we arrived in Vegas, Amanda and Ray Ray gave us a driving tour down the strip before we got checked into our hotel. Everything was so fricken massive! Like, absolutely huge! I was just in awe. It was insane. We then arrived at our hotel, Bally's, which was in amazing location- pretty much right on the strip! As Amanda checked us in, she managed to pull a few strings so Zoe and I were roomies.
Upon arriving and getting settled in our pretty sweet hotel room, I had a message from one of the boys I went to school with who had seen on my Snapchat story that I was in Vegas. It just so happened that he was in Vegas for the next 2 nights as well. We had instantly planned to meet up later that night.
Zoe and I started getting ready for our first night in Vegas! I had to pre drink in the hotel with not being 21 and all. We headed downstairs to meet everyone before jumping onto a party bus for the night! We soon noticed that there were 3 new people that had joined our tour that we hadn't been able to pick up in LA. Two guys and a girl. The two guys were mates (one of which I instantly though was a bit alright shallow of me, I know. If only I knew, but we'll get to that later) and the girl, Krista, was also another solo traveler!
We all jumped in the party bus, equipped with its very own slimey stripper pole, and headed down the strip. Our first stop was the iconic Las Vegas sign which we definitely got a huge group photo in front of. Then it was back on the party bus to head back down the strip on our way to our next destination - Freemont Street. It was during this time, I bonded with possibly the greatest couple I have ever met, Shinelle & Pat, over our love for the iconic facebook page, Yeah The Boys, and also the fact that I happen to be great friends with the boys who run the facebook page. Small world, hey?
Freemont Street was amazing! Such an awesome vibe there! Some of us has to use the washrooms which lead me to meet this crazy, drunk, old Canadian couple who offered me a place to stay in Vancouver when I was headed over there. I'm fairly certain I still have their number in my phone!
We managed to reach our final destination, the nightclub at The Wynn, all in one piece. It was here that anyone under 21 had to love and leave the group. Zoe joined us for the long walk back as she'd felt as though she'd had enough to drink for the night. It was during the walk back that I bonded with Luke, Blake and Ben; my fellow under 21's.
As we neared our hotel, Zoe and I said bye to our boys and waited for my old school friend. To say I was a little nervous was the understatement of the year! It was no secret that I kinda fancied this lad at school. However, I was not expecting to go nearly weak at the bloody knees when I saw him again (it had been nearly 3 years since I'd seen him). I definitely had to get my shit together and compose myself. The boy had gotten sexy, not to mention his accent had gotten stronger (he's British by the way). Holy moly, the kid was sex on legs! I was not prepared which resulted in me being super intimidated and in turn being so awkward it just wasn't even funny.
I somehow managed to gain composure and get my shit together long enough for Zoe, me, Harry and his mate to go to Wahlburgers for a late night feed. We had a good chat, catching up and what not. Then he walked us back to our hotel and said goodnight. The very next day, I got a message from him saying how much he wished he had've kissed me. *Cue heart palpitations*
To Be Continued....
NEXT POST : LAS VEGAS Pt. 2 - My Amazing American Adventure
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