Sunday 12 July 2015


Hey y'all.
Growing up, there were so many different things I wanted to be. I only really started thinking seriously about it when I was around 13 or 14. I am most definitely still trying to figure out what to do with my life, but sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and not over think things too much. Sometimes you have to do what's going to benefit you and make you happy rather than feeling pushed into things by family or what not. You gotta be in it for yourself.
Anyway, lets get started!

1. A cafe worker at the airport in Paris (lol)

Yes, this was a real job I wanted when I was about 8 or 9. For some reason it was my dream to work in a cafe in the airport in Paris. I still, to this day, have no idea what was running through my head when thats what I decided I wanted to be! It's definitely the only funny/weird thing I've ever wanted to be. Clearly I was a very boring child.

2. Forensic Anthropologist

This came about during a time when I was super obsessed with the TV show Bones. When I get something in my head, I get 110% into it. I think I as about 14 at the time and I was already researching what universities to go to and what entry scores I needed and all that jazz. I think somewhere down the road I decided i wasn't smart enough for this but I still reckon it would be such a sick job!

3. Forensic Scientist

This was also the result of being obsessed with a TV show, only this time it was NCIS. If you couldn't guess already, my favourite character on the show was Abby and I wanted to do exactly what she did. I most definitely had such an unrealistic expectation of what it would be like in my head! (Right now I'm wishing you could use emoji's on blog posts for some reason). Yeah I gave up on that one too.

4. Interior Designer

Now, I pretty much do this anyway for myself. But I do think that having it as a career would just be the best. It's something I absolutely love doing. I love being so hands on and creating the perfect space for myself or someone else. Thats one thing I really enjoy about my current job; I get to help people choose the colour schemes and paint for their house and give them my advice and what not. If I'm honest, thats probably the only thing I like about my current job lol!

5. Author

This is definitely something that I still hope to achieve in my life, whether it's something thats published, or something that I do just for myself. Being an author is most certainly on my list of things to accomplish before I die. I just love writing and creating a brand new world that I can invest my whole self into and produce something great. I mean, I've done the short stories and school and what not, but I still believe that this is something I can and will do.

6. Adolescent Psychologist

This is the career I had absolutely set my heart on doing when I was 16. I had done all the necessary research and new exactly what I needed to do to ensure I got into the course I wanted in University. It wasn't until I started year 11 and actually began taking psychology as a course that my whole plan began to unravel! After only 2 months of studying this course, I hated it. I hated it so bad that I wanted to transfer out of the class and into a different one. It was only when my homeroom teacher (shoutout to Mr Langer) convinced me to at least stay in the class for another term after all the basic stuff was covered. I decided to continue on with the subject and actually started to enjoy it towards the end of the year when we got to look at specific types of cases and diagnose people and what not. Had I stayed in school, I probably would be studying this at university right now and aside from that I absolutely love working with kids of all ages and I just love helping them and people in general, but life had other plans and I'm okay with that :)

So there y'all have it. The inner workings of brain when it comes to what I wanted to be when I grew up. I'm obviously none of these things right now, but we'll see what the future holds!


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